Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is a unique type of polyurethane sealant that foams when applied, and after solidification turns into a fairly strong and flexible, yet lightweight substance. Another feature of the foam is the ability to fill in cracks and cracks, because it increases many times with expansion.

With the help of mounting foam, builders seal windows, joints of insulation sheets, close the seams in the main material. The tool is even suitable for the manufacture of crafts and garden sculptures. It is necessary to work with foam carefully, it is poorly cleaned from skin and objects. If there are stains, you will have to use special tools to dissolve the polyurethane.

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When contaminants from the sealant appear on the skin after repair, you have to decide how to wash the mounting foam from your hands. You need to pay attention to simple and effective methods.
We talk about the technique of manufacturing various figures from mounting foam: a donkey, a lamb, a fox, a snowman, Santa Claus and others. We pick up a set of tools and talk about safety.


